Otoko no Isshō

Otoko no Isshō (娚の一生) is a slice of life romance josei manga series written and illustrated by Keiko Nishi. It was published by Shogakukan on Flowers magazine and in four volumes compiling the chapters. A live action romantic drama film adaptation was released on February 14, 2015. It's directed by Ryūichi Hiroki and written by Hiroshi Saitō. It stars Nana Eikura and Etsushi Toyokawa.

Otoko no Isshō

Otoko no Isshō (娚の一生) is a slice of life romance josei manga series written and illustrated by Keiko Nishi. It was published by Shogakukan on Flowers magazine and in four volumes compiling the chapters. A live action romantic drama film adaptation was released on February 14, 2015. It's directed by Ryūichi Hiroki and written by Hiroshi Saitō. It stars Nana Eikura and Etsushi Toyokawa.