Paddle doll

Paddle dolls are a type of female figurine found in Ancient Egyptian tombs, beginning in the Predynastic period and particularly in the Middle Kingdom (2040–1750 BC). Female statuettes made of clay, found in later burials, are considered a later development of these sometimes elaborately coiffured wooden dolls. A fine example of a paddle doll with hair constructed of string and sun-dried clay beads, found in a tomb in Ancient Egypt, is on display at the British Museum.

Paddle doll

Paddle dolls are a type of female figurine found in Ancient Egyptian tombs, beginning in the Predynastic period and particularly in the Middle Kingdom (2040–1750 BC). Female statuettes made of clay, found in later burials, are considered a later development of these sometimes elaborately coiffured wooden dolls. A fine example of a paddle doll with hair constructed of string and sun-dried clay beads, found in a tomb in Ancient Egypt, is on display at the British Museum.