Palacký University, Olomouc

Palacký University, Olomouc is the oldest university in Moravia and the second-oldest in the Czech Republic. It was established in 1573 as a public university led by the Jesuit order in Olomouc, which was at that time the capital of Moravia and the seat of the episcopacy. At first it taught only theology, but soon the fields of philosophy, law and medicine were added. Many distinguished figures have taught, worked and studied here including Albrecht von Wallenstein and Gregor Mendel.

Palacký University, Olomouc

Palacký University, Olomouc is the oldest university in Moravia and the second-oldest in the Czech Republic. It was established in 1573 as a public university led by the Jesuit order in Olomouc, which was at that time the capital of Moravia and the seat of the episcopacy. At first it taught only theology, but soon the fields of philosophy, law and medicine were added. Many distinguished figures have taught, worked and studied here including Albrecht von Wallenstein and Gregor Mendel.