Palenque Norte

Palenque Norte is a Burning Man theme camp and lecture series inspired by the talks given by entheogen researcher Terence McKenna at the Palenque Entheobotany Seminars in January 1999. The camp provides space for discussions about entheobotany and entheogenic compounds. Lecturers are given on topics similar to those that were presented around the pool at the Hotel Chan-Kah Ruinas, where the original Palenque talks were held.

Palenque Norte

Palenque Norte is a Burning Man theme camp and lecture series inspired by the talks given by entheogen researcher Terence McKenna at the Palenque Entheobotany Seminars in January 1999. The camp provides space for discussions about entheobotany and entheogenic compounds. Lecturers are given on topics similar to those that were presented around the pool at the Hotel Chan-Kah Ruinas, where the original Palenque talks were held.