Palestinian Brazilian

Palestinian Brazilian (Portuguese: Palestino-brasileiro) is a Brazilian person with Palestinian ancestry, or a Palestinian-born person immigrant in Brazil. The group that headed to Rio Grande do Sul is distributed throughout six cities. Sapucaia do Sul, Pelotas, Rio Grande, Chuí, Santa Maria, Venâncio Aires and Porto Alegre (the state capital) are municipalities that are already home to Palestinian communities. Others settled in the state of São Paulo, the most populous and wealthiest in the nation.

Palestinian Brazilian

Palestinian Brazilian (Portuguese: Palestino-brasileiro) is a Brazilian person with Palestinian ancestry, or a Palestinian-born person immigrant in Brazil. The group that headed to Rio Grande do Sul is distributed throughout six cities. Sapucaia do Sul, Pelotas, Rio Grande, Chuí, Santa Maria, Venâncio Aires and Porto Alegre (the state capital) are municipalities that are already home to Palestinian communities. Others settled in the state of São Paulo, the most populous and wealthiest in the nation.