Paris Métro Line 14

Paris Métro Line 14 is a line on the Paris Métro that connects the stations Saint Lazare and Olympiades on a north-west south-east diagonal across the centre of Paris. It was operated completely automatically from the beginning, and the very positive return of that experiment motivated the retrofitting of Line 1 for full automation. Before being put into commercial service Line 14 was known as project Météor, an acronym of MÉTro Est-Ouest Rapide. The line is expected to be part of the Grand Paris Express rapid transit network and to be extended north and south for this project.

Paris Métro Line 14

Paris Métro Line 14 is a line on the Paris Métro that connects the stations Saint Lazare and Olympiades on a north-west south-east diagonal across the centre of Paris. It was operated completely automatically from the beginning, and the very positive return of that experiment motivated the retrofitting of Line 1 for full automation. Before being put into commercial service Line 14 was known as project Météor, an acronym of MÉTro Est-Ouest Rapide. The line is expected to be part of the Grand Paris Express rapid transit network and to be extended north and south for this project.