People's Union (Nigeria)

The People's Union was an association in Lagos, Nigeria created in 1908 to promote the welfare of the city's residents regardless of race or religion. Its leaders included educated and traditional elites. An early goal was to stop a project to bring piped water into the city. All residents would pay taxes to cover the costs, but the wealthy Europeans and Africans with piped houses would be the main beneficiaries. The union lost popular support when the educated elites accepted a compromise on the water project in 1915. The People's Union was revived to fight an election in 1923 and continued until 1928, but could not compete with the more populist Nigerian National Democratic Party (NNDP).

People's Union (Nigeria)

The People's Union was an association in Lagos, Nigeria created in 1908 to promote the welfare of the city's residents regardless of race or religion. Its leaders included educated and traditional elites. An early goal was to stop a project to bring piped water into the city. All residents would pay taxes to cover the costs, but the wealthy Europeans and Africans with piped houses would be the main beneficiaries. The union lost popular support when the educated elites accepted a compromise on the water project in 1915. The People's Union was revived to fight an election in 1923 and continued until 1928, but could not compete with the more populist Nigerian National Democratic Party (NNDP).