Persona 4: The Animation

Persona 4: The Animation (Japanese: ペルソナ4 Hepburn: Perusona Fō) is a television anime series based on Atlus' PlayStation 2 video game, Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4. The story revolves around Yu Narukami, a young teenager who moves to the town of Inaba, where a mysterious string of murders is taking place. Upon discovering a distorted TV World and acquiring a mysterious power known as "Persona", Yu and his friends decide to investigate the murders and save others from being killed.

Persona 4: The Animation

Persona 4: The Animation (Japanese: ペルソナ4 Hepburn: Perusona Fō) is a television anime series based on Atlus' PlayStation 2 video game, Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4. The story revolves around Yu Narukami, a young teenager who moves to the town of Inaba, where a mysterious string of murders is taking place. Upon discovering a distorted TV World and acquiring a mysterious power known as "Persona", Yu and his friends decide to investigate the murders and save others from being killed.