Philoclean Society

The Philoclean Society at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey is one of the oldest collegiate literary societies in the United States, and among the oldest student organizations at Rutgers University. Founded in 1825, the society was one of two such organizations—the other being the Peithessophian Society—on campus devoted to the same purpose. The name Philoclean derives from the Ancient Greek for “lover of glory” from Φιλειν meaning "to love," and κλεος, meaning “glory.”

Philoclean Society

The Philoclean Society at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey is one of the oldest collegiate literary societies in the United States, and among the oldest student organizations at Rutgers University. Founded in 1825, the society was one of two such organizations—the other being the Peithessophian Society—on campus devoted to the same purpose. The name Philoclean derives from the Ancient Greek for “lover of glory” from Φιλειν meaning "to love," and κλεος, meaning “glory.”