Pishan hostage crisis

The Pishan hostage crisis was a fatal incident that occurred on the night of December 28, 2011, in Pishan County, Xinjiang, China. A group of 15 Uyghur youths crossing the border into Pakistan for jihadist training kidnapped two goat shepherds for directions. They were soon confronted a group of five Pishan policemen, who tried to negotiate for the shepherds' release. The group attacked the policemen with knives, killing one and injuring another. The police shot back, killing seven hostage-takers, wounding and capturing four, freeing the two shepherds. The Xinjiang government called the kidnappers "violent terrorists", while a Uyghur exile group claimed the kidnappers' actions were the result of "police repression".

Pishan hostage crisis

The Pishan hostage crisis was a fatal incident that occurred on the night of December 28, 2011, in Pishan County, Xinjiang, China. A group of 15 Uyghur youths crossing the border into Pakistan for jihadist training kidnapped two goat shepherds for directions. They were soon confronted a group of five Pishan policemen, who tried to negotiate for the shepherds' release. The group attacked the policemen with knives, killing one and injuring another. The police shot back, killing seven hostage-takers, wounding and capturing four, freeing the two shepherds. The Xinjiang government called the kidnappers "violent terrorists", while a Uyghur exile group claimed the kidnappers' actions were the result of "police repression".