Pit 6 Dam

Pit No. 6 Dam or Pit 6 Dam is a hydroelectric dam on the Pit River in northern California. Its power station generates up to 79 MW. The dam, built in 1965, is owned by the Pacific Gas and Electric Company. It is 172 feet (52 m) tall and forms the Pit Six Reservoir, which has a capacity of 15,700 acre feet (19,400,000 m3).

Pit 6 Dam

Pit No. 6 Dam or Pit 6 Dam is a hydroelectric dam on the Pit River in northern California. Its power station generates up to 79 MW. The dam, built in 1965, is owned by the Pacific Gas and Electric Company. It is 172 feet (52 m) tall and forms the Pit Six Reservoir, which has a capacity of 15,700 acre feet (19,400,000 m3).