
Podporuchik (Croatian: подporučnik, Czech: podpodporučík, Polish: podporucznik, Russian: подпору́чик, Bulgarian: подпоручик, Serbian: поручник, Slovak: poručík) is an Officersrank out of the Lieutenant´s rank group in Slavophone armed forces. According to the modern day´s NATO rank system Poporuchik might be comparable to OF-1b) ranks Second lieutenant / Pilot officer, Ensign, Leutnant / Leutnant zur See. With exemption of the more junior "podporuchik" OF-1c of the Czech Army until 2011, it should not be confused to Mladshy leytenant or Unterleutnant, OF-1c as well.


Podporuchik (Croatian: подporučnik, Czech: podpodporučík, Polish: podporucznik, Russian: подпору́чик, Bulgarian: подпоручик, Serbian: поручник, Slovak: poručík) is an Officersrank out of the Lieutenant´s rank group in Slavophone armed forces. According to the modern day´s NATO rank system Poporuchik might be comparable to OF-1b) ranks Second lieutenant / Pilot officer, Ensign, Leutnant / Leutnant zur See. With exemption of the more junior "podporuchik" OF-1c of the Czech Army until 2011, it should not be confused to Mladshy leytenant or Unterleutnant, OF-1c as well.