Pope John III of Alexandria

Pope John III of Alexandria, 40th Pope of Alexandria & Patriarch of the See of St. Mark. He was originally from Samanoud a city in the North of Egypt, hence also known as Pope John III of Samanoud. During his papacy the Muslim ruler in Damascus was Marwan I as after the death of Yazid, the son of Mu'âwiyah and his son Muawiya II, Marwan I took control of the East and of Egypt. At that stage the Umayyad rulers were still in war with Abdullah bin Zubayr. In 680, Pope John III rebuilt Saint Mark's Cathedral in Alexandria.

Pope John III of Alexandria

Pope John III of Alexandria, 40th Pope of Alexandria & Patriarch of the See of St. Mark. He was originally from Samanoud a city in the North of Egypt, hence also known as Pope John III of Samanoud. During his papacy the Muslim ruler in Damascus was Marwan I as after the death of Yazid, the son of Mu'âwiyah and his son Muawiya II, Marwan I took control of the East and of Egypt. At that stage the Umayyad rulers were still in war with Abdullah bin Zubayr. In 680, Pope John III rebuilt Saint Mark's Cathedral in Alexandria.