Postal codes in Hungary

Postal codes in Hungary are four digit numeric. The first digit is for the postal region, as listed below (with the postal centre indicated after the number): * 1xxx Budapest (*) * 2xxx Szentendre * 3xxx Hatvan * 4xxx Debrecen (*) * 5xxx Szolnok * 6xxx Kecskemét * 7xxx Sárbogárd * 8xxx Székesfehérvár * 9xxx Győr Not all of the above are county capitals: Hatvan, Sárbogárd and Szentendre are major cities, but not county capitals. They are, however, all well communicated cities and big junctions. The rest of the country is structured as follows:

Postal codes in Hungary

Postal codes in Hungary are four digit numeric. The first digit is for the postal region, as listed below (with the postal centre indicated after the number): * 1xxx Budapest (*) * 2xxx Szentendre * 3xxx Hatvan * 4xxx Debrecen (*) * 5xxx Szolnok * 6xxx Kecskemét * 7xxx Sárbogárd * 8xxx Székesfehérvár * 9xxx Győr Not all of the above are county capitals: Hatvan, Sárbogárd and Szentendre are major cities, but not county capitals. They are, however, all well communicated cities and big junctions. The rest of the country is structured as follows: