Prime Vision BV

Prime Vision BV is a Dutch company which specializes in automation, processing and recognition solutions for the international postal, warehousing, logistics and process control markets. The company has strong shareholders in PostNL - the national mail delivery company in the Netherlands, and TNO - Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research. Headquartered in Delft, the Netherlands, Prime Vision operates globally through offices in the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Taiwan, and Australia.

Prime Vision BV

Prime Vision BV is a Dutch company which specializes in automation, processing and recognition solutions for the international postal, warehousing, logistics and process control markets. The company has strong shareholders in PostNL - the national mail delivery company in the Netherlands, and TNO - Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research. Headquartered in Delft, the Netherlands, Prime Vision operates globally through offices in the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Taiwan, and Australia.