Quincy Point

Early in its history Quincy Point was known as the "Great Fenced Fields". This area included the part of old Braintree prior to the 1792 formation of Quincy that was south of Town River and west of Weymouth Fore River where it makes its turn north toward Hingham Bay. Quincy Point was formerly a hub for immigrants from Italy and Lebanon. While many of these people still remain, today it is a very diverse neighborhood with many people of Irish, African and Asian descent.

Quincy Point

Early in its history Quincy Point was known as the "Great Fenced Fields". This area included the part of old Braintree prior to the 1792 formation of Quincy that was south of Town River and west of Weymouth Fore River where it makes its turn north toward Hingham Bay. Quincy Point was formerly a hub for immigrants from Italy and Lebanon. While many of these people still remain, today it is a very diverse neighborhood with many people of Irish, African and Asian descent.