Remote (manga)

Remote (Japanese: リモート Hepburn: Rimōto) is a manga series written by Tadashi Agi and illustrated by Tetsuya Koshiba, and published in Kodansha's Young Magazine from 2002 to 2004. The manga follows Kurumi Ayaki, the newest member of the Unsolved Crimes Division, Special Unit B. Remote was adapted into a ten-episode Japanese television drama in October 2002. The North American version of the manga is published by Tokyopop.

Remote (manga)

Remote (Japanese: リモート Hepburn: Rimōto) is a manga series written by Tadashi Agi and illustrated by Tetsuya Koshiba, and published in Kodansha's Young Magazine from 2002 to 2004. The manga follows Kurumi Ayaki, the newest member of the Unsolved Crimes Division, Special Unit B. Remote was adapted into a ten-episode Japanese television drama in October 2002. The North American version of the manga is published by Tokyopop.