Rental relocation

Rental relocations are specific to certain types of rental equipment. Examples include: portable buildings, construction trailers, large generators and heavy equipment. A rental relocation is normally required because the customer or end user of the equipment wants to move the rented item from one construction job site to another, or simply reposition on the existing site (particularly in the case of construction trailers, portable storage etc.). The key to why a relocation is necessary is that the customer does not have the resource or equipment available to move the asset. For example trailers generally require on site services to be moved such as plumbing and electricity, they may require cranes to move them or load them onto trucks for moving.

Rental relocation

Rental relocations are specific to certain types of rental equipment. Examples include: portable buildings, construction trailers, large generators and heavy equipment. A rental relocation is normally required because the customer or end user of the equipment wants to move the rented item from one construction job site to another, or simply reposition on the existing site (particularly in the case of construction trailers, portable storage etc.). The key to why a relocation is necessary is that the customer does not have the resource or equipment available to move the asset. For example trailers generally require on site services to be moved such as plumbing and electricity, they may require cranes to move them or load them onto trucks for moving.