Republican Socialist Party

The Republican Socialist Party (French: Parti socialiste républicain, abbreviated PSR) was a political party in Belgium. The party was founded on August 15, 1887, by Alfred Defuissaux, a miners' leader from Borinage. Defuissaux had been expelled from the Belgian Labour Party in February 1887, as the party tried to distance itself from militant strikes such as those of 1886. The new party was mainly based in the Wallonia-Hainaut areas. The party, whose followers were generally miners, argued in favour of a grève noire ('black strike', i.e., a complete general strike) as a means to obtain universal suffrage or, possibly, integration with republican France. The year it was founded, the PSR led a wave of local strikes.

Republican Socialist Party

The Republican Socialist Party (French: Parti socialiste républicain, abbreviated PSR) was a political party in Belgium. The party was founded on August 15, 1887, by Alfred Defuissaux, a miners' leader from Borinage. Defuissaux had been expelled from the Belgian Labour Party in February 1887, as the party tried to distance itself from militant strikes such as those of 1886. The new party was mainly based in the Wallonia-Hainaut areas. The party, whose followers were generally miners, argued in favour of a grève noire ('black strike', i.e., a complete general strike) as a means to obtain universal suffrage or, possibly, integration with republican France. The year it was founded, the PSR led a wave of local strikes.