Rio de Janeiro school shooting

On the morning of April 7, 2011, 12 children aged between 12 and 14 were killed and 12 others seriously wounded by an armed man who entered Tasso da Silveira Municipal School (Escola Municipal Tasso da Silveira), an elementary school in Realengo on the western fringe of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It is the first non-gang school shooting with a sizable number of casualties reported in the country. Although police found no concrete evidence of religious or political motives, texts found at Oliveira's home suggest that he was obsessed with terrorist acts and Islam, which he had converted to two years beforehand, after having been a Jehovah's Witness for the rest of his life. In his last wishes, he requested to be buried following Islamic traditions, but also asked Jesus for eternal life and "God

Rio de Janeiro school shooting

On the morning of April 7, 2011, 12 children aged between 12 and 14 were killed and 12 others seriously wounded by an armed man who entered Tasso da Silveira Municipal School (Escola Municipal Tasso da Silveira), an elementary school in Realengo on the western fringe of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It is the first non-gang school shooting with a sizable number of casualties reported in the country. Although police found no concrete evidence of religious or political motives, texts found at Oliveira's home suggest that he was obsessed with terrorist acts and Islam, which he had converted to two years beforehand, after having been a Jehovah's Witness for the rest of his life. In his last wishes, he requested to be buried following Islamic traditions, but also asked Jesus for eternal life and "God