
The Ritterkopf is a prominent mountain in Rauris, about 3 km north of the main chain of the Tauern Alps in Austria, and separates the valleys of Krumltal and Hüttwinkltal. On the mountainsides there are the sites of mineral deposits (rock crystal, pyrite, actinolite), some of which are tourist attractions. In the Ritterkar cirque (east of the summit) gold was mined in the 16th century.


The Ritterkopf is a prominent mountain in Rauris, about 3 km north of the main chain of the Tauern Alps in Austria, and separates the valleys of Krumltal and Hüttwinkltal. On the mountainsides there are the sites of mineral deposits (rock crystal, pyrite, actinolite), some of which are tourist attractions. In the Ritterkar cirque (east of the summit) gold was mined in the 16th century.