Road signs in Indonesia

Road signs in Indonesia are standardised road signs similar to those used in other nations but with certain distinctions. As a former Dutch colony, until the 1960s road signs in Indonesia closely followed Dutch rules on road signs. Nowadays Indonesian road sign design are a mix of both European and North American road sign features. According to the Ministerial Regulation No. 13/2014 about Traffic Signs, the official typeface for road signs in Indonesia is Clearview. Indonesia formerly used FHWA Series fonts (Highway Gothic) as the designated typeface though the rules are not being implemented properly.

Road signs in Indonesia

Road signs in Indonesia are standardised road signs similar to those used in other nations but with certain distinctions. As a former Dutch colony, until the 1960s road signs in Indonesia closely followed Dutch rules on road signs. Nowadays Indonesian road sign design are a mix of both European and North American road sign features. According to the Ministerial Regulation No. 13/2014 about Traffic Signs, the official typeface for road signs in Indonesia is Clearview. Indonesia formerly used FHWA Series fonts (Highway Gothic) as the designated typeface though the rules are not being implemented properly.