Rojava conflict

The Rojava conflict, also known as the Rojava revolution, is a political upheaval, social revolution and military conflict taking place in Northern Syria, known as Rojava. During the Syrian civil war, a coalition of Arab, Kurdish, Syriac and some Turkmen groups have sought to establish the Constitution of Rojava inside the de facto autonomous region, while military wings and allied militias have fought to maintain control of the region. The revolution has been characterized by the prominent role played by women both on the battlefield and within the newly formed political system, as well as the implementation of democratic confederalism, a form of grassroots democracy based on local assemblies.

Rojava conflict

The Rojava conflict, also known as the Rojava revolution, is a political upheaval, social revolution and military conflict taking place in Northern Syria, known as Rojava. During the Syrian civil war, a coalition of Arab, Kurdish, Syriac and some Turkmen groups have sought to establish the Constitution of Rojava inside the de facto autonomous region, while military wings and allied militias have fought to maintain control of the region. The revolution has been characterized by the prominent role played by women both on the battlefield and within the newly formed political system, as well as the implementation of democratic confederalism, a form of grassroots democracy based on local assemblies.