RoughRider wheelchair

The RoughRider wheelchair is a low-cost, durable and appropriate technology wheelchair designed for use in developing countries. The design of the RoughRider originally was open-source and has been revised with input from wheelchair users in over 40 countries since 1980. The RoughRider was created to fill the demand for a reliable wheelchair for over 20 million disabled people in the developing world who need a wheelchair and do not have one.

RoughRider wheelchair

The RoughRider wheelchair is a low-cost, durable and appropriate technology wheelchair designed for use in developing countries. The design of the RoughRider originally was open-source and has been revised with input from wheelchair users in over 40 countries since 1980. The RoughRider was created to fill the demand for a reliable wheelchair for over 20 million disabled people in the developing world who need a wheelchair and do not have one.