Royal Australian Air Force VIP aircraft

The Royal Australian Air Force has operated a number of specialised aircraft to transport members of the Royal Family, the Governor General of Australia, senior members of the Australian government, and other dignitaries. Prior to the acquisition of the 737s, passenger-configured RAAF Boeing 707s tanker-transports were used. These aircraft were larger than the 737s currently in use. In August 2014, Defence Minister David Johnston announced the intention to convert a KC-30A to VIP configuration.

Royal Australian Air Force VIP aircraft

The Royal Australian Air Force has operated a number of specialised aircraft to transport members of the Royal Family, the Governor General of Australia, senior members of the Australian government, and other dignitaries. Prior to the acquisition of the 737s, passenger-configured RAAF Boeing 707s tanker-transports were used. These aircraft were larger than the 737s currently in use. In August 2014, Defence Minister David Johnston announced the intention to convert a KC-30A to VIP configuration.