Saint Paul Central High School

Central High School of Saint Paul is the oldest high school in the state of Minnesota, United States. Founded in 1866 in downtown Saint Paul, Central has educated many leaders in business, government, literature, arts, sciences, and education throughout the state of Minnesota and the United States. Central also has more Rhodes Scholars among its alumni than any other public high school in the U.S., with the most recent scholar, Matthew Landreman, being announced in 2003.

Saint Paul Central High School

Central High School of Saint Paul is the oldest high school in the state of Minnesota, United States. Founded in 1866 in downtown Saint Paul, Central has educated many leaders in business, government, literature, arts, sciences, and education throughout the state of Minnesota and the United States. Central also has more Rhodes Scholars among its alumni than any other public high school in the U.S., with the most recent scholar, Matthew Landreman, being announced in 2003.