Saltego trans Jarmiloj

Saltego trans Jarmiloj (English: Leap across the Millennia) is the second novel originally written in Esperanto by Jean Forge. It appeared in 1924 (192 pages). It is a fantasy, whose characters are transported out of our time into a past epoch. Written in a simple lively style, it - despite its humor and other attractions - does not reach the level of Forge's first novel, Abismoj.

Saltego trans Jarmiloj

Saltego trans Jarmiloj (English: Leap across the Millennia) is the second novel originally written in Esperanto by Jean Forge. It appeared in 1924 (192 pages). It is a fantasy, whose characters are transported out of our time into a past epoch. Written in a simple lively style, it - despite its humor and other attractions - does not reach the level of Forge's first novel, Abismoj.