Saraswati Park

Saraswati Park is a 2010 drama novel written by Anjali Joseph. Set in Mumbai, the book follows the story of Mohan Karekar, a pensive letter-writer living in the fictional housing complex of Saraswati Park. When his gay nephew, Ashish, moves in with him and his wife, Lakshmi, their mundane life goes through several changes. Sarwasti Park was Joseph's debut novel for which she was awarded the Betty Trask Prize, Desmond Elliott Prize and Crossword Book Award. It was also nominated for The Hindu Literary Prize.

Saraswati Park

Saraswati Park is a 2010 drama novel written by Anjali Joseph. Set in Mumbai, the book follows the story of Mohan Karekar, a pensive letter-writer living in the fictional housing complex of Saraswati Park. When his gay nephew, Ashish, moves in with him and his wife, Lakshmi, their mundane life goes through several changes. Sarwasti Park was Joseph's debut novel for which she was awarded the Betty Trask Prize, Desmond Elliott Prize and Crossword Book Award. It was also nominated for The Hindu Literary Prize.