
semaZen (2002) is a 3D animation by Genco Gulan with a runtime of 2 minutes and 37 seconds. The video features a computer generated model of the artist, dressed in traditional Sufi clothing, weaved from the inside and outside the head in a constant loop which is unified with a continuous count to 41, in English and Turkish. The number 41 has a significance, as it is the number of times the God's name must be repeated in dhikr.


semaZen (2002) is a 3D animation by Genco Gulan with a runtime of 2 minutes and 37 seconds. The video features a computer generated model of the artist, dressed in traditional Sufi clothing, weaved from the inside and outside the head in a constant loop which is unified with a continuous count to 41, in English and Turkish. The number 41 has a significance, as it is the number of times the God's name must be repeated in dhikr.