
Smerup is a village in the southern part of Stevns, a peninsula of the Island Sjælland in Denmark, Europe. The village is centered on a church (built around year 1270) and a village pond. The village is situated between the cities Faxe and Store Heddinge. The distance to the city Køge is 25 km. Smerup is parish-of-ease to the neighboring village Store Spjellerup, but is itself church city for the larger neighboring village Store Torøje.


Smerup is a village in the southern part of Stevns, a peninsula of the Island Sjælland in Denmark, Europe. The village is centered on a church (built around year 1270) and a village pond. The village is situated between the cities Faxe and Store Heddinge. The distance to the city Køge is 25 km. Smerup is parish-of-ease to the neighboring village Store Spjellerup, but is itself church city for the larger neighboring village Store Torøje.