Soyuz MS-01

Soyuz MS-01 is a 2016 Soyuz spaceflight to the International Space Station. Originally scheduled for launch in June 2016, the mission successfully lifted off from Kazakhstan on July 7, 2016. It is transporting three members of the Expedition 48 crew to the International Space Station. MS-01 is the 130th flight of a Soyuz spacecraft, and the first with the new version Soyuz MS. The crew consists of a Russian commander, a Japanese flight engineer, and an American flight engineer.

Soyuz MS-01

Soyuz MS-01 is a 2016 Soyuz spaceflight to the International Space Station. Originally scheduled for launch in June 2016, the mission successfully lifted off from Kazakhstan on July 7, 2016. It is transporting three members of the Expedition 48 crew to the International Space Station. MS-01 is the 130th flight of a Soyuz spacecraft, and the first with the new version Soyuz MS. The crew consists of a Russian commander, a Japanese flight engineer, and an American flight engineer.