Stamford Senior Youth Theatre

Stamford Senior Youth Theatre "(SSYT)" is a theatre company based in Stamford. The company devises and produces a new original performance annually, usually written by the company's artistic director. The company operates on a yearly timeline which runs from September to July. The devised performances are debuted in the resident theatre and then toured throughout local schools and theatres. SSYT resides at the Stamford Arts Centre. The company is a member of the National Association of Youth Theatres (NAYT) and attends the Middlesbrough Youth Drama Festival annually.

Stamford Senior Youth Theatre

Stamford Senior Youth Theatre "(SSYT)" is a theatre company based in Stamford. The company devises and produces a new original performance annually, usually written by the company's artistic director. The company operates on a yearly timeline which runs from September to July. The devised performances are debuted in the resident theatre and then toured throughout local schools and theatres. SSYT resides at the Stamford Arts Centre. The company is a member of the National Association of Youth Theatres (NAYT) and attends the Middlesbrough Youth Drama Festival annually.