Star Gate (novel)

Star Gate is a science-fiction novel written by Andre Norton and published by Harcourt, Brace & Company in 1958. Although listed as science fiction, the story is a blend of science fiction with sword and sorcery. It continues the premise that Norton introduced in The Crossroads of Time, mingling technologically advanced aliens (from Earth) with the natives of the far-off world Gorth and a native culture that has achieved the development level of Medieval Europe.

Star Gate (novel)

Star Gate is a science-fiction novel written by Andre Norton and published by Harcourt, Brace & Company in 1958. Although listed as science fiction, the story is a blend of science fiction with sword and sorcery. It continues the premise that Norton introduced in The Crossroads of Time, mingling technologically advanced aliens (from Earth) with the natives of the far-off world Gorth and a native culture that has achieved the development level of Medieval Europe.