Stow Fair, Lincolnshire

Stow Fair was an English medieval fair inaugurated in 1233. The Prior of Sempringham was granted permission in 1268 to hold this annual fair, from 23-25 June, confirming an earlier charter. The fair continued until living memory, being run as a horse fair until 1954. It seems likely that earlier fairs were held on the same days, one of which is the feast day of St Ætheldreda, long associated with the site. Historian Graham Platts' view is that there should be scepticism over a belief that the fair developed from earlier summer solstice rites.

Stow Fair, Lincolnshire

Stow Fair was an English medieval fair inaugurated in 1233. The Prior of Sempringham was granted permission in 1268 to hold this annual fair, from 23-25 June, confirming an earlier charter. The fair continued until living memory, being run as a horse fair until 1954. It seems likely that earlier fairs were held on the same days, one of which is the feast day of St Ætheldreda, long associated with the site. Historian Graham Platts' view is that there should be scepticism over a belief that the fair developed from earlier summer solstice rites.