Sublimis Deus

Sublimis Deus [English: The sublime God] (erroneously cited as Sublimus Dei) is a papal bull promulgated by Pope Paul III on June 2, 1537, which forbids the enslavement of the indigenous peoples of the Americas (called Indians of the West and the South) and all other people. It follows the decree issued by Charles I of Spain in 1530 in which the King prohibited the enslavement of Indians.

Sublimis Deus

Sublimis Deus [English: The sublime God] (erroneously cited as Sublimus Dei) is a papal bull promulgated by Pope Paul III on June 2, 1537, which forbids the enslavement of the indigenous peoples of the Americas (called Indians of the West and the South) and all other people. It follows the decree issued by Charles I of Spain in 1530 in which the King prohibited the enslavement of Indians.