
Superdad is a 1973 American comedy film by Walt Disney Productions and starring Bob Crane, Barbara Rush, Kurt Russell, Joe Flynn, and Kathleen Cody. The film marks the on-screen debut of Bruno Kirby. This film was an attempt by the Disney company to address the generation gap and the social upheaval of the Vietnam era, but it was a critical and commercial failure. The film received mostly negative reviews and was viewed as the worst Disney film ever to be released.


Superdad is a 1973 American comedy film by Walt Disney Productions and starring Bob Crane, Barbara Rush, Kurt Russell, Joe Flynn, and Kathleen Cody. The film marks the on-screen debut of Bruno Kirby. This film was an attempt by the Disney company to address the generation gap and the social upheaval of the Vietnam era, but it was a critical and commercial failure. The film received mostly negative reviews and was viewed as the worst Disney film ever to be released.