Switch (manga)

Switch (Japanese: スイッチ Hepburn: Suicchi) is a shōnen, action manga written by Otoh Saki and illustrated by Tomomi Nakamura. It was serialized in Square Enix's GFantasy from 2002 to October 2008. The individual chapters were collected and published in 13 tankōbon volumes by Square Enix, with the first volume released on June 21, 2002 and the final volume released on December 27, 2008. The manga focuses on the lives of two Japanese undercover narcotic police, Eto Kai and Kurabayashi Hal. Switch was animated as 2 OVAs by ACTAS, Inc.. Square Enix released a series of 4 vocal CDs for Switch.

Switch (manga)

Switch (Japanese: スイッチ Hepburn: Suicchi) is a shōnen, action manga written by Otoh Saki and illustrated by Tomomi Nakamura. It was serialized in Square Enix's GFantasy from 2002 to October 2008. The individual chapters were collected and published in 13 tankōbon volumes by Square Enix, with the first volume released on June 21, 2002 and the final volume released on December 27, 2008. The manga focuses on the lives of two Japanese undercover narcotic police, Eto Kai and Kurabayashi Hal. Switch was animated as 2 OVAs by ACTAS, Inc.. Square Enix released a series of 4 vocal CDs for Switch.