Symbiotic fermentation

Symbiotic fermentation is a form of fermentation in which multiple organisms (yeasts, acetic acid bacteria, lactic acid bacteria and others) interact in order to produce the desired product. For example, a yeast may produce ethanol, which is then consumed by an acetic acid bacterium. Examples of traditionally fermented products that use symbiotic fermentation include: * Sake, * Lambic beer styles, * Shochu, * Vinegar * Soy sauce

Symbiotic fermentation

Symbiotic fermentation is a form of fermentation in which multiple organisms (yeasts, acetic acid bacteria, lactic acid bacteria and others) interact in order to produce the desired product. For example, a yeast may produce ethanol, which is then consumed by an acetic acid bacterium. Examples of traditionally fermented products that use symbiotic fermentation include: * Sake, * Lambic beer styles, * Shochu, * Vinegar * Soy sauce