Taha El Hakem

Taha El Hakem (August 2, 1983) is an Egyptian producer, cinema director Taha El Hakem was born in Cairo in the house is full of art and literature, and He participated in a theater group in the middle school and high school, he received an award for best actor for the role of Elhami play a song on the aisle in the General Competition for Schools of the Republic in 1997, He then studied IT in an Advanced Academy and was president of the Federation of Students also participated in a week of university students in Assiut in 2002 and won the second place in the slang poetry. To devote himself for cinema arts to become a director in Arab world learning technique of three-dimensional movies (3D Stereoscopy).

Taha El Hakem

Taha El Hakem (August 2, 1983) is an Egyptian producer, cinema director Taha El Hakem was born in Cairo in the house is full of art and literature, and He participated in a theater group in the middle school and high school, he received an award for best actor for the role of Elhami play a song on the aisle in the General Competition for Schools of the Republic in 1997, He then studied IT in an Advanced Academy and was president of the Federation of Students also participated in a week of university students in Assiut in 2002 and won the second place in the slang poetry. To devote himself for cinema arts to become a director in Arab world learning technique of three-dimensional movies (3D Stereoscopy).