Tariana language

Tariana (also Tariano) is an endangered Maipurean language spoken along the Vaupés River in Amazonas, Brazil by approximately 100 people. Another approximately 1,500 people in the upper and middle Vaupés River area identify themselves as ethnic Tariana but no longer speak the language. Research on Tariana, including a grammar book and a Tariana-Portuguese dictionary have been written by Alexandra Aikhenvald from the La Trobe University, who is a specialist on the Arawak language family.

Tariana language

Tariana (also Tariano) is an endangered Maipurean language spoken along the Vaupés River in Amazonas, Brazil by approximately 100 people. Another approximately 1,500 people in the upper and middle Vaupés River area identify themselves as ethnic Tariana but no longer speak the language. Research on Tariana, including a grammar book and a Tariana-Portuguese dictionary have been written by Alexandra Aikhenvald from the La Trobe University, who is a specialist on the Arawak language family.