Televisa Regional

Televisa Regional is a unit of Televisa which owns and operates television stations across Mexico. The stations rebroadcast programming from Televisa's other networks, and they engage in the local production of newscasts and other programs. Televisa Regional stations all have their own distinct branding, except for those that are Gala TV affiliates and brand as "Gala TV <city/state name>". Programma 2015 : Salotto FeelThe 90

Televisa Regional

Televisa Regional is a unit of Televisa which owns and operates television stations across Mexico. The stations rebroadcast programming from Televisa's other networks, and they engage in the local production of newscasts and other programs. Televisa Regional stations all have their own distinct branding, except for those that are Gala TV affiliates and brand as "Gala TV <city/state name>". Programma 2015 : Salotto FeelThe 90