Temeraire (series)

Temeraire is a series of novels written by American author Naomi Novik. The novels are works of both fantasy and alternate history: they are "a reimagining of the epic events of the Napoleonic Wars with an air force—an air force of dragons, manned by crews of aviators". The first book, His Majesty's Dragon, won the 2007 Compton Crook Award in the (science fiction/fantasy) genre. The book was also nominated for a Hugo Award for Best Novel in 2007.

Temeraire (series)

Temeraire is a series of novels written by American author Naomi Novik. The novels are works of both fantasy and alternate history: they are "a reimagining of the epic events of the Napoleonic Wars with an air force—an air force of dragons, manned by crews of aviators". The first book, His Majesty's Dragon, won the 2007 Compton Crook Award in the (science fiction/fantasy) genre. The book was also nominated for a Hugo Award for Best Novel in 2007.