The Adventures of the Black Stallion

The Adventures of The Black Stallion is a television series that starred Mickey Rooney and Richard Ian Cox, as a trainer and a teenaged horse racer and was loosely based on the book series by Walter Farley. The series originally ran on The Family Channel and YTV from September 15, 1990 to May 16, 1993, before cancellation. It has since been shown in re-runs throughout the world.

The Adventures of the Black Stallion

The Adventures of The Black Stallion is a television series that starred Mickey Rooney and Richard Ian Cox, as a trainer and a teenaged horse racer and was loosely based on the book series by Walter Farley. The series originally ran on The Family Channel and YTV from September 15, 1990 to May 16, 1993, before cancellation. It has since been shown in re-runs throughout the world.