The Baseball Cyclopedia

Published by The Baseball Magazine Co. of New York City, which also published Lanigan's Baseball Magazine, the title page of the Baseball Cyclopedia advertised it as the first compendium of baseball statistics and history ever published: Comprises a review of Professional Baseball, the history of all Major League Clubs, playing records and unique events, the batting, pitching and base running champions, World’s Series’ statistics and a carefully arranged alphabetical list of the records of more than 3500 Major League ball players, a feature never before attempted in print.

The Baseball Cyclopedia

Published by The Baseball Magazine Co. of New York City, which also published Lanigan's Baseball Magazine, the title page of the Baseball Cyclopedia advertised it as the first compendium of baseball statistics and history ever published: Comprises a review of Professional Baseball, the history of all Major League Clubs, playing records and unique events, the batting, pitching and base running champions, World’s Series’ statistics and a carefully arranged alphabetical list of the records of more than 3500 Major League ball players, a feature never before attempted in print.