The City (1995 TV series)

The City is an American television soap opera that aired on ABC from November 13, 1995 to March 28, 1997. The series was a continuation of the serial Loving, which ran from 1983 until 1995, and featured the surviving central characters of its final major story arc, which saw most of the show's characters fall victim to a serial killer. The characters that survived moved from Corinth, Pennsylvania to New York City and settled in the Manhattan neighborhood of SoHo.

The City (1995 TV series)

The City is an American television soap opera that aired on ABC from November 13, 1995 to March 28, 1997. The series was a continuation of the serial Loving, which ran from 1983 until 1995, and featured the surviving central characters of its final major story arc, which saw most of the show's characters fall victim to a serial killer. The characters that survived moved from Corinth, Pennsylvania to New York City and settled in the Manhattan neighborhood of SoHo.