The Clash Hits Back

The Clash Hits Back is a 2-CD, 3-LP best of collection by The Clash released in September 2013. The set was released simultaneously with an eleven disc box set titled Sound System along with 5 Album Studio Set, which contains the band's first five studio albums. They are expected to be the final releases to involve Mick Jones who said "I’m not even thinking about any more Clash releases. This is it for me, and I say that with an exclamation mark." Jones said.

The Clash Hits Back

The Clash Hits Back is a 2-CD, 3-LP best of collection by The Clash released in September 2013. The set was released simultaneously with an eleven disc box set titled Sound System along with 5 Album Studio Set, which contains the band's first five studio albums. They are expected to be the final releases to involve Mick Jones who said "I’m not even thinking about any more Clash releases. This is it for me, and I say that with an exclamation mark." Jones said.