The Company (Prison Break)

The Company is a fictional covert organization, with evil intentions and motivations, featured in the American television drama/thriller series Prison Break. It is a secret group of multinationals known almost exclusively by those who work for them (with the exception of those opposing them). Its influence and power over individuals stretches to the White House, influencing every decision the country makes. Its main goal is to impose a New World Order to maintain control over the country's economy and tyrannize the world. The Company has thus far also been described as a group of multinational corporate interests, and as a cabal of corporations influencing everything that goes on in the United States.

The Company (Prison Break)

The Company is a fictional covert organization, with evil intentions and motivations, featured in the American television drama/thriller series Prison Break. It is a secret group of multinationals known almost exclusively by those who work for them (with the exception of those opposing them). Its influence and power over individuals stretches to the White House, influencing every decision the country makes. Its main goal is to impose a New World Order to maintain control over the country's economy and tyrannize the world. The Company has thus far also been described as a group of multinational corporate interests, and as a cabal of corporations influencing everything that goes on in the United States.