The Creature That Tasted Sound

The Creature That Tasted Sound is a 2012 album by The Legendary Pink Dots. It was first mentioned in their December 2011 Newsletter, announcing, "New CDR release with new works now underway". By the time they released their Spring 2012 Newsletter, the album was announced to be available: "New CDR release with new studio pieces". No other information has been released. Furthermore, the CD back cover only features the band name, album title, and track listing.

The Creature That Tasted Sound

The Creature That Tasted Sound is a 2012 album by The Legendary Pink Dots. It was first mentioned in their December 2011 Newsletter, announcing, "New CDR release with new works now underway". By the time they released their Spring 2012 Newsletter, the album was announced to be available: "New CDR release with new studio pieces". No other information has been released. Furthermore, the CD back cover only features the band name, album title, and track listing.