The Lion Guard

The Lion Guard is an American animated television series developed by Ford Riley based on Disney's 1994 film The Lion King. The series was first broadcast with a television movie, titled The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar on Disney Channel on November 22, 2015 and began airing as a TV series on January 15, 2016 on Disney Junior and Disney Channel. It is the second television series to be based on The Lion King, the first being Timon & Pumbaa (1995–1999). The Lion Guard is a sequel to The Lion King and a midquel to its 1998 sequel, The Lion King II: Simba's Pride.

The Lion Guard

The Lion Guard is an American animated television series developed by Ford Riley based on Disney's 1994 film The Lion King. The series was first broadcast with a television movie, titled The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar on Disney Channel on November 22, 2015 and began airing as a TV series on January 15, 2016 on Disney Junior and Disney Channel. It is the second television series to be based on The Lion King, the first being Timon & Pumbaa (1995–1999). The Lion Guard is a sequel to The Lion King and a midquel to its 1998 sequel, The Lion King II: Simba's Pride.