The Parents

"The Parents" is the twenty fourth episode of the American television series Smash. It was written by Jordon Nardino and directed by Tricia Brock. The episode premiered on NBC on April 2, 2013, the ninth episode of Season 2. After Leigh Conroy returns to join the cast of Bombshell, Tom finds himself struggling to defuse the long-standing tension between her and her daughter, Ivy. Jimmy and Karen's connection is threatened by both Ana’s new-found success and an unexpected visitor. Derek learns more about Jimmy's past just as the public sees their first piece of Hit List.

The Parents

"The Parents" is the twenty fourth episode of the American television series Smash. It was written by Jordon Nardino and directed by Tricia Brock. The episode premiered on NBC on April 2, 2013, the ninth episode of Season 2. After Leigh Conroy returns to join the cast of Bombshell, Tom finds himself struggling to defuse the long-standing tension between her and her daughter, Ivy. Jimmy and Karen's connection is threatened by both Ana’s new-found success and an unexpected visitor. Derek learns more about Jimmy's past just as the public sees their first piece of Hit List.